Meet your favorite hosts.

Amber does the most and Beatrice keeps it real.

Amber lives in Seattle and Beatrice in North Carolina.

Amber is dramatic and Beatrice keeps her cool.

Amber has always loved expressing her emotions, while Beatrice is just getting in tune with them.

We aren’t necessarily opposites, but we don’t always agree. However, with cancel culture running rampant through our society, we both realized that no one is perfect and we have to give people the room to evolve. 

We are two line sisters who believe in the importance of compassion for oneself and others. We both think deeply about our short-commings, past opinions, and lessons learned. In turn, we have developed a strong value for personal growth by seeking knowledge through reading, listening to experts, and self-reflection.


Amber Heyward

Born in New York, raised in Virginia, and thriving in Seattle, Amber is a polymath with experiences as polarizing as the coasts she has lived in. She leverages them to innovate strategic initiatives that influence change.

With expertise in public administration, Amber is an Organizational Development Practitioner that supports public servants using their talents for the common good. She is passionate about inviting ease and joy into the workplace and, more importantly, life.

Beatrice Downey

Beatrice (she/her) values knowledge, honesty, and community. As an opinionated introvert, she relies on close relationships that help her to think deeply, be vulnerable, and learn from one another. Bea aims to encourage everyone to live authentically by sharing resources that inspire self-reflection and personal growth.

Beatrice is an early-career librarian with a background in reference and research support, user experience, digital content management, community engagement, and EDI initiatives


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