Because the world needs more.

Is there someone that always inspires, motivates, and encourages you? Is there someone you haven’t been able to tell how much you admire them or the work they do? Let us help you show your appreciation.


Giving Roses is a bi-weekly podcast dedicated to seeking ways to appreciate life and those we love by giving roses and having thoughtful conversations, sometimes featuring special guests.

Each episode will always feature your favorite hosts, Amber and Beatrice.

Featured Article:

Shoutout Atlanta reached out to us for our first news feature.

Meet Beatrice.

Meet Amber.

Giving roses means showing appreciation to anyone that has impacted your life.  This could be something as simple as telling them or, something as literal as giving them roses.  Let us know about someone that deserves to receive roses.  Your submission could be selected for them to receive flowers at their doorstep, on us! 

While you’re waiting to see if your special person gets selected, you can choose at least one way to give them roses today! Download our free guide for 10 ways to give roses.


Give your person roses.

  1. We will select 2-3 roses to be read every episode. When we read yours, we’ll let you know!

  2. Each month, we’ll randomly select a person to mail a bouquet of yellow roses to, on us.

  3. If your person is selected, we will contact you for their mailing address. #StayTuned

Support the podcast.

Would you like to help us literally, Give Roses? You can sponsor a bouquet for the roses we read aloud every other week for $75. This fee covers the bouquet and shipping to the recipient. 

Sponsor a Bouquet

Start Giving Roses Today.

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